Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Povestea unei dimineti

Era prima dată când putea întâlni răsăritul pe o plajă. Apusul știa cum arată, îl trăise deja undeva spre nord, pe un mal de mare. Despre răsărit își închipuise doar. Asc
ultase valurile seara pe întuneric, zărindu-le spuma în lumina lunii, gândise, iubise, cântase, plânsese, râsese... Și ca să facă lucrurile altfel, a dormit pe plajă, pe un chaise longue.

Înainte de răsărit a deschis ochii având în față marea, marea liniștită d
e dimineață, cu păsări zburând la orizont, a sărit din sacul de dormit în care fusese încălzită și mângâiată toată noaptea, chiar și în prezența valurilor și a lunii, a scos trepiedul pregătit și s-a apucat de încercări fotografice. Mai era un pic până să se ivească soarele.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Thursday, 13 May 2010

by the Lithuanian artists Artūras A. Skučas and Danielius Sodeika
photo exibition in Târgovişte,
History Museum
19th of May, at 10.00,
the first conference of Romanian and Lithuanian historians
"Romania and Lithuania in the Interwar International Relations: Bonds, Intersections and Encounters"
"Valahia" University of Târgoviste, Romania, May 19-21, 2010

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

reflexions no.2

It's about me, and you, and him, her. It's about us.


After I walk for a while, I stop for a short break. There are people, glass, steps, and sun.

Tower Bridge

This bridge was on one of my English language school books. I did not know that it was called "Tower Bridge". The book was printed in Romania but was used for teaching English in the Republic of Moldova. It was new and much more interesting then the books printed in the Soviet Union that were largely used for teaching in Moldova at that time. What I do remember about the Soviet books....for teaching English is that almost everything there was about the Stogovs family. And even so, sometimes there were not enough books. So it was common to take notes ...about the Stogovs. Afterwards there came the Romanian books. They were brought in Moldova as donations. In the town I was living we had a whole so called "Romanian library". It was so good, so interesting even if the books there were not the newest ones. And do you know why was it so highly visited? Because there were books printed in Romanian, with Latin characters, and additionally you could find there some encyclopaedia in English. That was something for 1996-1999 period when I used the services of the library.

A few days ago somebody was trying to sell to a collegue of mine Britannica. I was carefully listening why is Britannica so apreciated. It is indeed a wanderful encyclopaedia. But nowadays we have too much information at our disposal and too little time. Consequently, we go for getting the information as fast as possible. And internet was invented! And it started to be widely used. I have dictictionaries, or books in my library I hfor yearsave not opened. Why? Because some of them were replaced by the electronic versions. I do remember myself discovering Britannica in a special section of the University of Oradea library while being a student. It was indeed very interesting and very useful for that period of time. And then came the internet...something I heard about when I was stil in the high school. I never saw at that time how it was looking like. I just new that's something where you could find any kind of information.
Then I got to see how it looks like, then thanks to AIESEC I've got my first e-mail address. It was 2000 :) Then there were the nights spend in the internet caffees, as the price per hour for accessing internet was lower. Then I dreamed of having my computer. When I got my first computer I had no internet connection. So I was carying "useful information" saved on 3,5KB flash cards home from some internet as to analyse that information at home.

And finally I got internet connection , a digital camera and a blog. ;)

And now let's go back to the blue bridge that was on my English language school book. Now I wanted to have a blue and a non-blue one.

It was a nice afternoon perfect for a walk not far from Thames when I found suspended a few street lamps.

Monday, 1 March 2010

variatiuni pe teme diferite

Și era toamnă, toamnă pustie, aridă...
La început de curs am zis să mă joc cu lumina în întuneric. Mi-am făcut o cană de ceai, ca să-i surprind aburul, am luat o veioză și o carte. Strecurătoarea de ceai, asemeni fetei rele din povestea rusească a lui Pușchin, n-a vrut să-și împlinească menirea și a tot început să se oglindească în masa de lemn, convinsă fiind că-i o oglindă: Oglindă, oglinjoară, cine-i cea mai frumoasă din țară?, se tot întreba ea cât mi-a fost modelă, iar eu zâmbeam.
Le Concert-ul meu l-am surprins în Parcul Carol.

variatiuni pe aceeasi tema - de dragoste

peisajele mele

portretele pentru portofoliu

Excerciții în studio sau în afara lui, un amestec de priviri, stări, maturitate, copilărie, blândețe, nevinovăție, rafinament... Mă uit la ochii acestui copil din urmă și gandul mă fură, ajunge la Humuleși și-mi amintesc de "un boțul cu ochi" al lui Creangă. Cu țigăncușa mea am ajuns cu gandul la Oradea, cu femeia în negru am trăit un sentiment de maturitate și echilibru, cu copilul ieșit la paradă - nevinovăție, cu îmbrățișarea ușoară dintre cele două - armonia deplină, cu actrița - că viața are atâtea să ofere.